Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Phish

"Last Friday night, I got together with Mike, Page and Fish to talk openly about the strong feelings I've been having that Phish has run its course and that we should end it now while it's still on a high note. Once we started talking, it quickly became apparent that the other guys' feelings, while not all the same as mine, were similar in many ways -- most importantly, that we all love and respect Phish and the Phish audience far too much to stand by and allow it to drag on beyond the point of vibrancy and health. We don't want to become caricatures of ourselves, or worse yet, a nostalgia act. By the end of the meeting, we realized that after almost twenty-one years together we were faced with the opportunity to graciously step away in unison, as a group, united in our friendship and our feelings of gratitude.

So Coventry will be the final Phish show. We are proud and thrilled that it will be in our home state of Vermont. We're also excited for the June and August shows, our last tour together. For the sake of clarity, I should say that this is not like the hiatus, which was our last attempt to revitalize ourselves. We're done. It's been an amazing and incredible journey. We thank you all for the love and support that you've shown us."

-- Trey Anastasio May of 2004

Maybe so, maybe not, eh? Phish fans were shell-shocked when the above letter was delivered out of the blue four years ago. Fans were bewildered by the band's sudden departure, and the emotions were off the charts in all directions. Phish left many fans holding a grudge, with a myriad of lingering questions about its downfall.

It took a few years for the truth to finally seep out...And although the problems triggering Phish's downfall were plentiful, it was soon realized that one of the main reasons was Trey Anastasio's drug problem.This is not to say that he was in near death condition, but that the drugs were negatively affecting his performance, attitude, and dedication.

Trey's DWI arrest in upstate NY brought all of this knowledge into focus, and the event will be seen as a catalyst for not only understanding Phish's demise, but also the 'rebirth', if you will. Trey obviously stayed incognito throughout his year and a half long stint of jail and drug treatment. Following his release from the program, he simply made a handful of cameo appearances, and went on his merry way. No tour, no press, nothing.

It wasn't until May of this year that rumors began to crop up that a Phish reunion seemed possible. In an interview with Rolling Stone, Trey acknowledged for the first time how the drugs altered his perception of music. The interview was followed up a few months later with an official letter posted on the band's website, saying although a reunion has not been officially talked about, all four band members were getting together to talk about their future.

New rumors kept popping up everywhere as the year went by, and it all built into a giant crescendo on the night of September 30 of this year ('coincidently Trey's birthday). This will easily be one of the most exciting and bizarre nights of my life, as I don't think I have ever been as excited while sitting alone in my room for 7 hours. The short version of the story is that dozens of online Phish fans came out of the woodwork that night, claiming to have gotten a call from reliable sources that Phish IS reuniting. Normally such rumors are laughed at, as all have never come close to fruition over the past four years. But as more and more online phans shouted the news, the rumor was becoming hard to disclaim. Finally, the rumor of the rumor broke, exclaiming that Phish was announcing the return at 3AM. Many of us stayed up to find out the news: Phish - Hampton - March 6-8 2009 - More dates to come

To say I was exciting was an understatement, as I probably woke up a few people in adjacent rooms with my wild flailing and fist pumping following the video announcement. So, Phish is back, Trey is healthy, and hopefully the band will come back with a vengeance like none other.

And now, some Phish:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Libertarian For Obama?

"I did not, have, sexual, relations with that woman...I never told anybody to lie...Not a single time...Never... And I need to go back to work for the American people!" - You know who (1998)

I still can hear President Clinton's unyielding, yet blatantly untrue denial nearly 10 years after the Monica Lewinsky scandal. I was in the 8th grade at the time, and this was the event that kick-started my diseased obsession with American politics.

I started out a staunch conservative, though I must have been one of the youngest in Georgia at the time. "If a young man is not liberal, he has no heart. If an old man is not conservative, he has no head." I was out of the loop regarding the above quote, for had I known exactly what President Clinton did with his cigars (aka, not been a prude), I too would have been just another teenage liberal with a bleeding heart, immaturely giggling at a man sticking the cigars you know where...

Nevertheless, my political ideals have evolved much since I was a wee, nerdy little 8th grade prude, and I now consider myself to be a Libertarian. Basically, government sucks. HARD! I soon realized Republicans are no better than Democrats, as they do not truly embrace the ideals of the founding fathers either, and it seems, especially with the present administration, that the conservative movement just wants to expand the federal government as much as the liberals do. Neither party seems to fully comprehend the basis under which this country was founded: LIBERTY!

"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law,' because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual. ." - Thomas Jefferson

I do not dare attempt to summarize the distinctly pure definition of 'liberty' stated above, for Mr. Jefferson states it perfectly. Government is nothing more than a necessary evil, and it must be reigned in whenever necessary; for if it is allowed full privilege, it will gnaw away exponentially at the innate rights of all individuals. 'Security' and 'liberty' can never truly go hand-in-hand! To embrace absolute security is to totally surrender all rights of the individual. For a society to be truly 'free', each person must have the willingness to let others live a lifestyle which flies in the face of his/her OWN values (as long as he/she is not violating the rights of others).

With that said, I can think of no better current individual to discuss other than the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Senator Barak Obama's longtime pastor. This is a man who fought in the foul, filthy, and nauseating battle for African-American rights in the 1960s. Finally settling down as a pastor in Chicago, he helped develop one of the largest congregations in Chicago, drawing a plethora of diverse individuals in his church. Barack Obama was one of these individuals, and like most religious folk, he developed a keen bond with all those he attended church. I myself am not religious, but I can certainly understand the profound sense of family he found within such an organization.

Maybe Rev. Wright is a disgusting, anarchist preacher, but for those jumping ahead, this long, neandering stream-of-consciousness is not a defense of the vitriolic, un-American outbursts of a presidential candidate's preacher. What Rev. Wright believes is simply wrong. However, simply because an individual is a paranoid, outspoken critic of a government which, for all intensive purposes, has been 'allied' against his race for almost 200 years does NOT mean he/she speaks for all members of a religious organization! Did Obama show poor political judgment in not leaving his 'religious home'? Possibly, but what about the friends he made during the twenty years he attended? What about the multitude of community improvements he helped coordinate through Trinity Church? And what about abandoning a pastor and friend who married your wife and baptized your children? It's hogwash! Countless Americans (including me) have many friends/family who they vehemently disagree with politically! Perhaps one would disagree with a troubled friend, but certainly, few Americans would 'disown' people who have meant so much to their lives.

Phew, I just realized how off topic I have gotten...The main reason I began writing this blog was to state my willingness to actually cast a vote for a big-government liberal (Obama!). Washington is corrupt, unscrupulous, inefficient, and dishonest! Running for office has become a public relations/marketing game, and somehow, the press and insiders hand out points for playful deceit and eloquent issue-dodging.

"Oh, Bill Clinton didn't admit anything, and yet, sounded remorseful! What a masterful politician. (aka, he did it, but didn't admit it)"

It is immensely refreshing to see a major candidate, Obama, reject this trap of politics, and he further expanded his ideological righteousness by tackling the 'race' issue head on. In what was the greatest speech of my lifetime, Senator Obama delved into the nuances and complexities of race relations in America, stating not only shameful stereotypes of each race, but explaining the reasons behind each one. He started off by quoting the founding fathers' ideal of a 'perfect union', and yet followed by giving a brief history of this country's difficulty in achieving just that. Even after all America has been through, this country IS living under a 'racial stalemate', and few politicians have the gall to proclaim such.

Obama's speech has nearly persuaded me to vote for him in November...Not only because of this incredible speech on race, but for the uplifting tone he has generated throughout this campaign. Somehow, 'the most liberal senator in America' is able to get a small-government ideologue excited about America's future...And he isn't even mentioning issues! Accountability, trust, transparency, and invoking the civility of America is what draws me to the his message. It has been severely lacking in nearly every American administration/Congress in the modern era, and yet finally, there is a candidate willing to restore the trust in a part of the federal government. If that won't persuade your vote for the man, I'm not sure what will, for if a belief in the good of America won't persuade you, I'm not sure you belong in this great country of ours.

-American Psycho

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Day of Rest

Why do we all only ever seem capable of having unproductive, comatose, and downright lazy days when we get a surprise 'holiday' from work? It's almost as if, all day, we subconsciously protest any action which might require effort. By no means am I complaining about this incredibly divine day of rest(HAHA, GET IT?), but I am curious as to how much we all truly hate our jobs when it seems that these days are just symbolically meant to smite the modern workman's ethos.

I haven't felt the need to leave my room all day. All I did all day was sleep, watch Roger Clemens perjure himself, drink some scotch, and browse teh internets. At the moment, I'm sipping on yet another glass of Glenfiddich scotch while watching Duke rip Maryland a new asshole, I just ordered A LOT of pizza for no apparent reason, season two of Arrested Development is awaiting play from my Xbox, and even if that gets boring, I've got the new Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition to peruse...

A perfect bachelor night, if you ask me, so Happy Valentine's Day suckers!

Blast From the Past

I wrote this a tad bit tipsy one night back in the summer of 2007, but I still feel it encompasses all that I feel about modern society's response to pop music these days. Sorry if some of you have read this before (who am I kidding, no one reads this blog).

I consider myself a music snob…I hate most pop songs, and most anything on the radio these days. I believe that the music scene in general has embraced popularity instead of quality of the music they create, therefore, the business driven producers only work with musicians who want to create a radio hit that is mind-numbingly simple and repetitive. It takes a true artist to create original, inspired, moving music. Now, 99% of "bands/artists" can't ever come close to musical geniuses like Beethoven, Mozart, or any contemporary composer, however, I find it especially intriguing when someone that is "just in a band" can compose, arrange, or even improvise and bring to life phrases which twist and entwine our emotions in a true religious way.

Now, I've run into many people who say music is one of their hobbies. Now, for 80 percent of you, I'd probably call your selection of music "shit God wouldn't even wipe". Most country, and hip hop have no musical originality or meaning, but that's not even the point. I've found the difference between the 80 percent mentioned above and people like me, for which music is actually a hobby. For instance, when someone with no musical background identifies with a song they like, say, "Friends in Low Places", what they do is relate to the lyrics. They either want to be the person in the song, or just enjoy the lifestyle they wish they were living while listening to the song. They do somewhat get the same feeling of euphoria that I receive when I listen to a mind blowing arrangement, however, for most people, music is just another way to jack off to your ego. Hip hop is a prime example. All I have to do to see insecure, narcissistic people is watch a series of rap videos.

The difference between most individuals and myself is that I ascertain an appreciation from the notes/chords someone blends or weaves together. When I listen to a piece/song I "like", I don't think of any version of myself, any lifestyle I wish I was living, or what clik I am apart of… I completely lose myself in religious ecstasy. It's been shown exactly what your brain's processes are like when entranced by music. Your brain treats music like a game. Subconsciously, your brain loves trying to predict where the beat/phrases of a piece of music will fall. It's tremendously excited when it either predicts what comes next in song or phrase. The ONLY thing more exhilarating for the brain is when it is surprised by the music (assuming it still represents something conventional to the sound you enjoy). Essentially, improvisation is like a female orgasm for the brain, and that is why most of the finest musicians in the world are jazz musicians.

But I'm getting off topic on my original message I wished to make: the reason I don't like "pop" is because, in my opinion, much much much much more emotion and interpretation comes from the collection of notes either in a phrase, melody or chord than can ever come from lyrics. Can amazing lyrics draw me to an artist? Absolutely, however, I've always maintained that this aspect of songwriting is a distant second to the connecting of notes in a song. That's why it's called music and poetry is called poetry. When someone mentions to me, "hey man, read these fantastic lyrics", I always think (but don't always respond), "Yea, why don't you actually read fucking poetry which is a universe times greater than anything that hack just wrote about being sad…….."

Sorry if I offended any of you, but I could give a whimsical fart what you think (don't you hate when someone says sorry, but fuck off?).

PS-have I been drinking? Yes, but it's the only way I can drizzle my thoughts out of my seemingly wired, coked out brain. Sorry if you listen to Hinder…

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Top 10 Albums of 2007

"Hey dude, aren't you a little late on this subject!?"

So, hey, maybe I've been a little busy in South Dakota, intaking all the frigid and crass weather down into my soul so I can hope to somehow have the rigorous and rapacious standards that Simon Cowell possesses everyday when judging music...

Okay, or maybe I'm just lazy.

Anyway, this past year has been one that helped me see new horizons on the scene of pop culture. I truly got into the indie bands every garrulous hipster has been raving about since the late 90s. I started to appreciate the flair of cinematography, and my movie tastes have obviously changed considerably. And most amazing of all, I have even started to embrace some of the electronic music scene, something a lot of my friends won't even understand.

My ears tuned in to so many 'new' bands over this past year that this top 10 list was, well, like me alone in a hot tub alone with Scarlett Johansson...hard.

10). Armchair Apocrypha - Andrew Bird
The album was fabulous, but I'm mainly placing him on this list simply because I am in awe of the man. Following the first listen, I knew I needed ALL of this guy's records. Bird's music puts me into a powerful, aesthetic trance. Hell, if I was any type of musician, this would be exactly the type of sound I would want! And even though lyrics aren't the first thing I notice in a band's music, Bird's subjects are one of the most unique in the business...He sings about dark matter, for Christ's sake!

9). Mirrored - Battles
This is a band that just makes you feel like you're on crack. As one of my buddies would say, "Man, I love it because it's so CRAZY!" and somehow that would be an understatement. To some who might not have heard this band, their ostensible genre is 'math-rock'... That would be like me describing Britney Spears as 'troubled'...One of those bands where words don't do any justice to the multi-layered sound odyssey Battles takes you on.

8). Wincing the Night Away - The Shins
First album I bought in 2007. Fabulous album top to bottom. From the trippy yet melancholy stepping pattern used in 'Sleeping Lessons' to the vitriolic lyrics sung to uplifting major chords, this band has actually moved from 'indie' to mainstream (much to the chagrin of some fans). If they keep making records like this, I could care less who they market to in the future.

7). Cease to Begin - Band of Horses
This band embodies the indie 'sound' for me. If you listen to the track 'Cigarettes, Wedding Bands" and still cannot appreciate bands like this, then I hope you are never able to have sex again...EVER! But seriously, take my insolent recommendations and you won't regret it. Great fucking band that reminds me more and more of My Morning Jacket.

6). Friend and Foe - Menomena
Not only had the coolest album design of the year, but also was one of the records that helped transition me into the current stock of bands I'm into now. It's always amazing to me listening to their sound and realizing that the bass comes from the guitar player stepping on an organ bass pedal setup at his feet.

5). Chrome Dreams II - Neil FUCKING Young
Thank god for my friend, who made me listen to this album before I came up with any sort of best-of compilation. Boy was he right! This was the first time I'd truly sat down with an entire Neil album in about 2 or 3 years. The track that stands out the most to me is 'Ordinary People', a song which I couldn't help but compare to 'Down by the River'...But hey, it's Neil fucking Young!

4). Sky Blue Sky - Wilco
I'm going to post my buddy's review, referenced above, simply because he hits the nail on the head. I enjoyed both A Ghost is Born and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, but I feel this is their best album. The track 'Impossible Germany' is perhaps the best song they have ever produced.
"FINALLY! They dumped all the excess noise and focused on songs. This stands up there with some of The Band's best work. Jeff Tweedy may have finally nailed it."

3). Strawberry Jam - Animal Collective
My new most favorite band. In my opinion, they are a decade ahead of their time! This band is a mind-fuck that is hauntingly beautiful, and shrilly ambient, if any of that is possible. The music reminds me a lot of what Radiohead did back in 2000's Kid A. 'Fireworks' is the song of the year, in my opinion, and I cannot wait to see these guys live.

2). In Rainbows - Radiohead
How can they keep doing this?! Will they EVER make a bad album? If it wasn't for the originality of the next album I list, this would easily be #1. This was the first CD in a long time which was truly an unrivaled listening experience. Not only did their innovative marketing/business gimmick work, but they released the much awaited record only 10 days after announcing that it was completed. I'd list my favorite tracks, but like most Radiohead albums, I fucking love them all.

1). Person Pitch - Panda Bear
It's one 'effing guy!! He sets layered upon layered, ever changing digital loops and then sings beautifully over them. Imagine Beach Boys' vocals placed over a dj jam from Thievery Corporation. Actually, don't ever imagine that, because I'm not sure that's it accurate at all. Panda Bear is also a member of the aforementioned Animal Collective, but I didn't even know that when I bought the record. I just wish my vocabulary could express my gratification with this album........Buy this record!

And I will be posting a great deal more this year than year's past. I've got to, ya see, because it was my New Year's Resolution.......Till next time, peace